Sunday, October 14, 2007

Flash Dice


FLASH DICE. Created by Takuya Yoshizawa in 1976 for Tenyo.


Flash Dice

Miracle Dice

Prediction Dice

1 comment:

Magic Unlimited said...

The development of FLASH DICE according to the Tenyo website:

This effect is based on the old trick known as "Sure Shot Dice." In that trick, two dice are placed inside of a round case, and shaken up. The magician is then able to determine how many spots are on the top of each die. The case used in this trick is rather delicate, and when we analyzed the principle involved, we realized that it was very simple, and that there was no need for the case to be round. When we changed the case into a rectangular shape, and increased the number of dice, it became possible to perform several completely different effects. The wonderful theme of "controlling the random roll of dice" has made this trick a best seller over the years. It contains many of the elements that we at Tenyo strive for when creating excellent magic: 1) it is easy enough for anyone to perform, 2) it uses everyday items, 3) it can be carried in your pocket, and 4) it can be repeated.

Created by: Takuya Yoshizawa (1976)